The Zombie Apocalypse is Here

I recently took a part time job in security at a parking structure in the center of our town. You know, walking around making sure no one steals the cars or breaks into them. The shock was when I found out that I was in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse. Hundreds of young people walked through the structure and up and down the streets with glazed over eyes, purposeless faces and weird costumes.

They are between 18 and 28 years old, with no apparent parental supervision or control. They arrive about 8 P.M. and party until about 4 A.M. I have no idea when they sleep or if they do. The girls have a contest going to see how little clothing they can ware without getting arrested for nudity in public. The guys wear what appears to be old used clothing stolen from the areas homeless. They are dirty, foul mouthed and inconsiderate. They leave trash and junk everywhere and use the stairwells for toilets.  They go to a night club across the street after they become stoned on marijuana, which is not allowed in the parking structure, but which is so prevalent it is impossible to stop.

Finally, after they are stoned, they wander aimlessly across the street to the club where they eat, get drunk and do not stop drinking until they are ready to come back to the parking lot and throw-up what they just paid to eat. The parking lot, stair wells and the back seat of many police cars reek of vomit, which apparently, no one is responsible to clean up.

I started a survey with them, asking questions about their lives and their behaviors. Most of them are high school graduates, and a few are dabbling in college part time. Most have no job and live with their parents or friends. They have nice cars, credit cards, and an allowance from their parents, which they apparently blow each week-end on drugs and alcohol. They have no goals in life, no sense of identity and no sense of history. A slight majority claim to be conservatives, but cannot tell you what that means. They did not vote in the last election but if they would have, they would have voted for Hillary because she is a good conservative like them. They cannot tell you who is the vice president, the secretary of state or the governor of the state/ They are politically ignorant and cannot define the values of Democrats, Republicans or Christianity.

When I finish with my nightly greetings and selected question, I feel nauseous. I remind myself that there are other social groups that are engaged in life, going to school, have goals and dreams and who will make something of themselves. But they are not remotely related to this parking lot culture who are stoned, ignorant and wandering aimlessly down our streets with glazed eyes, weird costumes and lives with no values, ethics or motivation.

I meet other cultures in other places and realize that there are other slices of our world that is not represented by these Zombies. The other day I watched a couple of young men drive up to a fast food restaurant I was in and come in to get some lunch. They were clean cut, polite and wearing LDS Church badges. I knew they were Mormon Elders on their mission, so I bought their lunch and thanked them for being who they are. I am not Mormon nor do I believe in their doctrine, but I do like the ethics and moral stance they have and the way they conduct themselves in public.

I love to meet with church youth groups from most religious persuasions. They all seem to have their eyes opened, are attentive to the world around them and have a sense of drive and purpose. Our world is not going to hell in one full sweep. But there is a slice of our world that we have inherited from permissive and purposeless parents. They roam our street as Zombies, bent on self-destruction and controlled by the puppeteer’s strings from hell. They are motivated to nothing above their next drug fix, alcohol and drug high and provide nothing of value to the world around them.

The Zombie Apocalypse is here. If they breed and spread, the radical Muslim Terrorists will not have to destroy us. We will leave a scorched earth world to whomever wants to take it. Thanks to Nihilistic liberalism, we have found the end result of their philosophical void and it is not pretty. Not pretty at all.


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