The Shifting Winds of Politics

 The Shifting Winds of Politics

While the current Democrat majority in the House of Representatives continues its ‘do nothing but impeachment’ circus, the winds of the political power are shifting to the right. And, it is something that cannot be stopped at this point.

Presidential hopeful Joe Biden has seen it and is not happy. Some few others have also woken up to the fact that, although the House maintains a strong left leaning Democratic majority, it is losing power. That shift can be seen primarily in the Judicial branch as President Donald Trump has been presented with an unprecedented opportunity to shape the Judiciary.

Should Donald Trump win another term, which seems very possible, given the current state of our national economy, he could end up appointing two or more members to the Supreme Court

President Donald Trump has appointed more judges in less than three years to the circuit courts than any of his two-term predecessors going back to Ronald Reagan.

On Thursday The Senate confirmed William Nardini to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Now, 25% of circuit court judges are Trump appointees. This makes the president’s 45th pick, higher than the number of judges appointed by all presidents from Reagan to Obama.

As it stands right now, the Federal Judiciary will have a conservative block for the next two generations, and if this trend continues it could forever reshape the direction of the country. And, the trend will continue as Federal judges continue to age and appointments in the next 5 years are necessary.

This fact is one of the chief reasons the left is pushing so hard to impeach Trump. While they hold a majority in the House, they are powerless to stop the shifting winds of power and the shape of America’s future unless they can stop Trump.

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