My Life Matters

 My Life Matters

Hence, the Black Lives Matter movement is angry at the “all lives matter” statement because it does not fit the narrative and it dilutes the emphasis, whither true of not.

The end result is that the charge of racism by one group, born out of the survival instinct, becomes racism itself.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to survive.

The answer to this conflict is simple. When we love others as our self, we do not create contrasts but we include, and give ourselves to others without distinction.

A friend came to me years ago when I was going through a terrible time of personal stress. His approach was unexpected. He said, “What are you afraid of?” I was caught of guard. I was angry, hurt, and filled with passion. Afraid? Wrong question, I thought. But he continued, “Anger is not a base emption. It is based in fear. You are trying to protect yourself by becoming angry. You are preparing to fight to save yourself.”

I stopped to consider the truth of this statement and as light filled the darkness, I understood. He was absolutely right. I feared the threat. Then I realized another truth, quite transcendent from the fear: This threat could not destroy me. I could, by realizing it for what it was, walk away and it would have no power over me. Love destroys fear and anger.

So, the nature of conflict is disarmed when we decide to love ourselves, feel empowered to love our family and extend that to others who are threatened.

Stop the contrasts, the distinctions and increase the inclusion. Your color, your tribe, your sense of separation does not matter and it is not the issue. Your fear is the issue. Only love conquers fear.

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